the writer's black

This to shall pass
Oct 2023

This to shall pass

This too shall pass.

I am going to be ok.

I can rise above any situation.

I can find a way to overcome this challenge.

I choose to learn from this experience.

I have many things to be grateful for.

My life is worth celebrating.

Nothing is impossible to overcome.


People will put their limitations on you. People will judge and shine the brightest light on your flaws.
All along not never looking deeply at theirs. This is the life we live in. As long as you know who you are. And what you are truly about. The opinions of others have no control over you. Remember those who place heavy judgments on you. More times than usual they are in worst situations within themselves. And this is the complete truth.  Because those of us who have been on this journey in the driver’s seat of our lives actually. We may not agree with a person’s actions. But passing heavy judgment is never on the table. Because we innerstand and know we’ve done some unfavorable things our damn self. So that breeds grace and inner standing for another’s imperfections flaws and shortcomings. So remember next time a person is heavy on judging you. On any matter. Or you decide to do the same. God shows all of us grace. Because we all deserve it.


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