the writer's black


Did you know ?
Apr 2024

Did you know ?

Did you know some humans are put here not to grow? Did you know the first people to hurt you are usually the ones you..

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2-19 The planet is better because you’re in it.
Feb 2024

2-19 The planet is better because you’re in it.

This planet is filled with broken souls.  Hurt people hurting people is the name of the show. It’s so refreshing and honorable. To come across..

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The rain washed away my pain
Jan 2024

The rain washed away my pain

It’s something about the sound of raindrops. That seems cleansing healing and replenishing. Reminds me of the ocean I must say. Each drop is the..

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The renewal (rebirth )
Dec 2023

The renewal (rebirth )

The time has come again. I’ve tried it my way once again. Now I completely submit, to the laws of the universe. I will only..

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Thank you.
Nov 2023

Thank you.

I give thanks because I’m eternally grateful. The laws of the universe are always aligning in my favor. Even when it doesn’t seem like it,..

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This to shall pass
Oct 2023

This to shall pass

This too shall pass. I am going to be ok. I can rise above any situation. I can find a way to overcome this challenge...

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No Depth or Substance
Sep 2023

No Depth or Substance

Empty. Surface-dwelling individuals. Nothing to offer. Giving people the bare minimum, While they want the maximum to consume and devour. That’s worse than a coward...

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It’s not the same day. You’re the same you.
Jul 2023

It’s not the same day. You’re the same you.

Don’t feel the difference. I wonder why! Change nothing. Nothing changes. Sounds simple. yet it’s so profound. Everything is changing around you. Rather you see..

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Flourish & Thrive
Apr 2023

Flourish & Thrive

You better thrive. I know you were built for survival. Just to survive. Well, I’m here to tell you.  You survived! It’s time for you..

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Loving with a open heart even after the hurt….
Mar 2023

Loving with a open heart even after the hurt….

Not turning cold-hearted. Not becoming bitter. Not becoming like the person who hurt you. Not giving in to revenge. Not letting the pain and hurt..

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