the writer's black

Thank you.
Nov 2023

Thank you.

I give thanks because I’m eternally grateful.
The laws of the universe are always aligning in my favor.

Even when it doesn’t seem like it, I still could never deny it.

It is just a continuous journey of evolution.

Thank you for the opportunity and gift of life.

We all are guaranteed to die.  But so many will never live.

 I truly am thankful for the ability to give.

Fully engaged in my existence and experience is what I consider living.

An active actual participant in life.

Many are robots and live on autopilot then call that being alive.

Never producing anything. Just consuming taking and destroying.

Replaying distorted feelings, Hindng from themselves. Unable to tap into actual living… limited amount of time. Doing time not in jail. But in the jail of their mind.

Freedom is a crime for them. The unfortunate truth about their algorithm !!!!!

Thank you……  Thank you…… Thank you……


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