the writer's black

The Garden within
Dec 2024

The Garden within


Do not let the thorns of yesterday’s wounds

Tear the petals of another’s bloom.

Heal the garden within your soul,

Lest its wild weeds take control.


Trauma is a shadow that whispers lies,

A ghost that lingers, though time flies.

But you are not the pain you’ve known,

You are the light where seeds are sown.


Turn inward, to the soil of your heart,

Where every scar is but a part.

Water it with tears of release,

Till anger fades and you find peace.


Forgiveness is the rain that softens the ground,

Love is the sun that circles around.

Pull the roots of bitterness free,

And plant the tree of harmony.


For if your wounds bleed onto another,

You dim the light of your sister, your brother.

Heal yourself, and heal the world,

Let compassion unfurl.


Remember, beloved, in love’s great plan,

No heart should break by another’s hand.

Tend your soul, make it whole,

And let healing be your ultimate goal.


….The Garden within

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